本月德育主題︰ 責任/孝親
善良忠信的僕人,你既在少許事上忠信,我必委派你管理許多大事;進入你主人的福樂罷。(瑪25:21) 凡事都可行,但不全有益;凡事都可行,但不全助人建樹。人不要只求自己的利益,但也該求別人的利益。(格前 10:23-24) 游手好閒使人貧窮,勤奮工作使人富有。(箴10:4) 人子來不是受服事,而是服事人。(瑪20:28) 要留心你在主內所接受的職分,務要善盡此職。(哥4:17) 應孝敬你的父親和你的母親,好使你在上主你的天主賜給你的地方,延年益壽。(出20:12)





English Drama

     •    For students to develop verbal and nonverbal expression of ideas.
     •    To arouse students to learn English through drama activities.



English Fun Day
     •    For P.1 - 4 students to develop listening and speaking skills.
     •    To arouse students to learn English through activities.


English Singing Contest


  • To arouse students to learn English through songs.
  • To let students enjoy English songs.



‘Read to Me’ programme


  • For P.1 students to develop reading skills.
  • To provide opportunities for P.1 students to read books to the NET and English teachers during lunch recess.



English Day Camp


  • For P.4 students to develop a positive attitude towards the English language by participating in a variety of activities that are fun and enjoyable.
  • To give students the chance to speak English for real purposes.
  • For students to have a chance to establish social relationships using English.
  • To develop student’s collaboration skills, creativity, communication skills and problem-solving skills.



Spelling Games


  • To enhance P.1-6 students spelling skills through games at lunch recess.
  • To help students to spell words quickly and accurately.
  • To help students to learn and revise the words.



English Morning Assembly


  • To provide opportunities for students to enjoy the stories and songs during morning assemblies.
  • To provide opportunities for students to perform on stage during morning assemblies.
  • To provide opportunities for students to develop confidence when performing for an audience.



Ocean Park Excursion


  • To provide P.1 students with practical experience, to make the last two units of work in PLP-R/W which are about animals more realistic.
  • To help P.1 students to learn more about English through familiar animals.



Science Museum Excursion


  • To provide P.2 students with a practical experience, to make the PLPR/W unit, The Magic Science Museum more realistic.
  • To provide a relaxed and educational experience for P.2 students.



Making Pizza


  • The trip was an activity based on our reader “Cool Kids” which provided P.3 students with an authentic environment to consolidate their knowledge of recipes and make the pizza using steps.



Inter-class Writing Competition

  • Persistence 
  • Overcome difficulties
  • Appreciate people’s effort


English Interactive Funland


  • To encourage students to read the information on the board.
  • To provide opportunities for students to participate in the interactive activities.







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